This concert was so dancey, so high-energy, so sweaty - it was amazing!
I had never heard of the opening band "Heartsrevolution" before, but had to download their music the very next day. The lead singer was crazy in the most charming way; the songs were pleasantly electro-dissonant; great lead-up to "Yelle".
Then when Yelle came on, everyone got a bit rowdier for a serious dance party - if you weren't, you would be trampled by the five people surrounding you who would be jumping belligerently like the drunkards they were. Yelle who sings naughty French pop (which is hot by default) worked the stage, and kept the energy level at a constant high throughout with no slow songs. This beats going to the gym anyday.
Really wanted a full recording of 'A Cause Des Garcons' but couldnt help jumping from over-excitement, so I gave up. Nevertheless, here are two songs I managed to stay still enough for:
Dans Ta Vraie Vie
Ce Jeu
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