Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I recently had a conversation with a coworker that went smth like:

Me: Seems like this game doesn't have a date attached to it
Coworker: 10-4
Me: Wait, that's the date we're launching it? Huh?

Actually, my coworker was utilizing Citizen's Band (CB) Ten-codes in daily-speak.
Ten-codes, properly known as ten signals, are code words used to represent common phrases in voice communication, particularly by law enforcement and in Citizen's Band (CB) radio transmissions.


Switch up your dry conversations with some of these plausible examples of ten-codes:
10-4: Roger that; message received
10-6: Busy (ex. 10-6, go away)
10-7: Out of service (ex. 10-7, no more work, no mooore ...)
10-9: Repeat message (aka. whadusay?)

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