Monday, October 13, 2008

Jackalope Day

Happy Columbus Day to the lucky bitches who aren't stuck at work. Otherwise, it's another mundane Monday - but it's not completely hopeless as I just discovered the "existence" of the Jackalope.
Q: What is a Jackalope?
A: The Antler-ed Bunny

Now I want one to mount on my wall to replace this.
Please note they also come in different variaties. This winged version originates from Wall, South Dakota (sounds like an awful place to live)

This fascinating creature has made it to movie-like stardom in roles such as "Jackalope" of Oscar-nominated Pixar short "Boundin'".

I was also alerted by a coworker of the French counterpart "The Dahu".
Q: What is a Dahu?
A: A mountain goat-like animal with legs of differing lengths

A less superior creature than the Jackalope, the Dahu hails from the French Alps. And because it has shorter legs on one side, it can only walk around the mountain in one direction otherwise it falls...

One method of capture:

To have pepper ground onto a large stone; when the dahu, while grazing, comes and sniffs the pepper, it would sneeze and knock itself out against the stone.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah, I'm glad to see you giving some love to the grand daddy of your favorite filthy creature, the rabbit.